Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Increasing Cases of Skin Cancer Causing Concern | TopNews ...

With the pursuit of enhancing the beauty, many women tend to pay visit to the tanning salon where they are exposed to UV rays which put them at the risk of being affected with life threatening skin cancer.

It has come to light that a large number of adults are being affected with skin cancer. In a recent study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, it was found that the adults above the age of 40 are at higher risk of being affected with skin cancer.

The findings of the study have been published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings. For the study, the researchers analyzed data of skin cancer patients in Olmsted County. During the analyses of the data, the researchers said that anyone can be affected with skin cancer.

The authors of the study wrote, "Young women are more likely than young men to participate in activities that increase risk for melanoma, including voluntary exposure to artificial sunlamps". It has further come to light that incidences of common cancers are declining while the cases of melanoma is increasing.

The findings of the researchers have been condemned by the Indoor Tanning Association. The association has said that the researchers are not fully aware about the link between UV rays and cancer. However, at the same time, the National Institutes of Health has supported the findings saying that UV rays increase the chances of a person being affected with skin cancers. The National Institutes of Health informed that the UV rays are directly affects the DNA in the skin and thus causes skin cancer.

It has been informed that fair skin has fewer pigment which plays vital role in preventing skin from being adversely affected with UV rays. Therefore, the chances of fair skin person to be affected with skin cancer are higher.

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