The store functions as a center for all purchases to be made, as well as the location for a catalog of currently used mobile suits, purchasable or not.
Starting out, players get a Nemo, GM Sniper II, GM Cannon II, or a Jeddah for free with 10 additional points.
Players earn Points that the GM tracks during the course of the RP. They spend their points here on new Mobile Suits, upgrade kits and equipment to enhance their unit. There are several important values to take into account.
Compatibility - Some weapons and equipment only work on specific mobile weapons.
Power - "Extra Power Use" on a mobile suit's information states how much extra power is pulled from the systems, on top of it's basic, baseline setup. Power is important for running built-in weapons and beam weaponry.
Tonnage - "Extra Weight" is a self explanatory stat for the mobile suits. Some equipment does not use up energy, but is very heavy, so once must balance power against weight constraints.
To customize your mobile suit:
1.) Find something you need / like.
2.) Put a post on this thread with exactly what you are buying.
3.) Take the power and weight requirements of your equipment, then add them to your suit.
4.) Add the equipment to the bottom of the mobile suit data in your profile.
Mobile Suits & Vehicles
Model: RB-79 "Ball" Unavailable
Unit Type: Mobile Pod
Manufacture: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Layout: Single-Seat Pod; 12.8m Tall
Armor: Titanium Alloy
Stock Weight: 17.2 Tons
Powerplant: Minovksy Type Ultracompact Fusion; 400 kW Output
Propulsion: Thrusters: (2) 12,000kg
Performance: Max Acceleration 0.95G
Electronics: Sensors w/4,000m Range
Description: An antique of the one-year war, the "Ball" was forced into service when RGM-79s could not be produced in enough numbers to combat Zeon Zaku-IIs. It is essentially a work pod with extra armor and guns added. From the beginning the RB-79 had a reputation for being a "mobile coffin," but experienced showed it could be very effective when used in a long-range fire support role. By now, any RB-79s still in service are used for training or maintenance purposes, their utility as combat units all but spent.
Fixed Weapons: 180mm Recoiless Cannon
Optional Weapons:
Add. Thrusters:
Equipment: N/A
Other: N/A
Extra Power Use: 0 / 100 kW
Extra Weight: 0 / 7.8 Metric Tons
Model: RB-89 "Ball" 10 Points
Unit Type: Mobile Pod
Manufacture: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Layout: Single-Seat Pod; 10m Tall
Armor: Gundarium / Titanium Alloy
Stock Weight: 13.2 Tons
Powerplant: Minovksy Type Ultracompact Fusion; 700 kW Output
Propulsion: Thrusters: (4) 12,000kg, (6) Verniers
Performance: Max Acceleration 1.30G
Electronics: Sensors w/6,000m Range
Description: After a certain point it became impractical to continue upgrading RB-79s considering their inexpensive, second-line nature, so a requirement was set for an entirely new combat support pod. The discreet purchase was unnoticed to all but the support units, and the RB-89 has not seen major use in any battle so far. The design makes use of lighter, more durable materials and a more efficient reactor, making the Ball faster and harder to hit. One significant change was the addition of a universal mount for weapons typically hand-carried by mobile suits, allowing it to make use of beam rifles, hyper bazookas and so forth. Typical equipment includes slat armor with a beam-resistant coating, a small vulcan and additional verniers. Despite the modifications, a Ball will nearly always lose to a mobile suit at close range, so they're generally a last resort.
Variants include the "M," a missile / mine layer platform and the "K," equipped with a single beam cannon.
Fixed Weapons: 20mm Vulcan (200 Rounds), Rocket Winch
Optional Weapons:
Add. Thrusters:
Equipment: N/A
Other: N/A
Extra Power Use: 0 / 300 kW
Extra Weight: 0 / 11.8 Metric Tons
Model: MSA-003 "Nemo" 30 Points
Unit Type: Mass Production Mobile Suit
Manufacture: Anaheim Electronics
Operator: Earth Federation Forces, Anti-Earth Union Group
Layout: Single-Seat; 19.5m Tall
Armor: Gundarium ? Alloy
Stock Weight: 36.2 Metric Tons
Powerplant: Minovsky Type Ultracompact Fusion; 1620 kW Output
Propulsion: Thrusters: (2) 18,000 kg, (2) 13,800 kg, (12) Vernier
Performance: Max Acceleration 1.15G, 180-degree turn time 1.8 seconds, run speed 110 KPH
Electronics: Sensors w/10,200m Range
Description: A development of the GM II design by Anaheim Electronics, the Nemo saw extensive use with AEUG forces against the Titans and fought through the first Neo-Zeon war. Earth Federation Forces eventually absorbed surplus numbers of the mass-produced suits into their ranks for rear line duty, even after Char's Counterattack and the Axis incident. Though undisputably outdated, the stalwart protection as well as flexible weapon options make the Nemo a quite workable suit in the hands of a good pilot.
Fixed Weapons: (2) 60mm Head-Vulcans (100 rounds per), (2) Waist-mounted beam saber (0.4 MW)
Optional Weapons: N/A
Add. Thrusters: N/A
Equipment: N/A
Other: N/A
Extra Power Use: 0 / 720 kW
Extra Weight: 0 / 19.4 Metric Tons
Model: RGM-79SP "GM Sniper II" 30 Points
Unit Type: Mass Production Mobile Suit
Manufacture: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Layout: Single-Seat; 18.5m Tall
Armor: Titanium / Ceramic Composite
Stock Weight: 45 Metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky Type Ultracompact Fusion; 1390kW Output
Propulsion: Thrusters: (2) 21,000 kg, (4) 15,000 kg, (8) Verniers
Performance: Maximum Acceleration 1.18G; 180-degree turn time 1.3 seconds, run speed 120 KPH
Electronics: Sensors w/8,700m Range, Targetting Visor
Description: One of the finest production suits during the One-Year War, the GM Sniper II continues to see limited action despite its aging technology. A heavy and relatively power-hungry mobile suit, it is lightly armored and lacks very many weapons. A good deal of the suit is the complex electronics for making a shot at extreme ranges, be it with a 75mm high velocity rifle, the standard-issue beam sniper rifle or the 170mm heavy cannon.
Fixed Weapons: (2) Waist-mounted beam saber (0.4 MW)
Optional Weapons: N/A
Add. Thrusters: N/A
Equipment: N/A
Other: N/A
Extra Power Use: 0 / 390 kW
Extra Weight: 0 / 16 Metric Tons
Model: RGC-83 "GM Cannon II" 30 Points
Unit Type: Mass Production Fire-Support Mobile Suit
Manufacture: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces, Anti-Earth Union Group
Layout: Single-Seat; 20m Tall
Armor: Titanium / Ceramic Composite
Stock Weight: 47.3 Metric Tons
Powerplant: Minovsky Type Ultracompact Fusion; 1420 kW Output
Propulsion: Thrusters: (4) 13,000, (4) 1,870
Performance: Maximum Acceleration 0.89G, 180-degree turn time 1.8 seconds, run speed 80 KPH
Electronics: Sensors w/6,300m Range
Description: The original GM-cannon, though awkward looking was a successful concept, and after the one-year war, the EFF was advancing the platform. The GM Cannon II uses a customized GM II as a base, adding layers of armor and a set of very large beam cannons. Though not useful in the indirect fire role like its predecessor, the RGC-83 combines immense amounts of armor with formidable firepower. Its sluggish speed does, however, mean that it needs escorts in a combat situation to avoid succumbing to close-range battles.
Fixed Weapons: (2) 60mm Head-Vulcans (100 rounds per), Beam saber on left forearm (0.38 MW), (2) Back-mounted beam cannons
Optional Weapons: N/A
Add. Thrusters: N/A
Equipment: N/A
Other: N/A
Extra Power Use: 0 / 220 kW
Extra Weight: 0 / 19.6 Metric Tons
Model: RGM-88X "Jeddah" 30 Points
Unit Type: Mass Production Mobile Suit
Manufacture: Anaheim Electronics
Operator: Earth Federation Forces, Londo Bell
Layout: Single-Seat; 20.4m Tall
Armor: Titanium / Ceramic Composite & Gundarium
Stock Weight: 18 Metric Tons
Powerplant: Minovsky Type Ultracompact Fusion; 1570 kW Output
Propulsion: Thrusters: (4) 20,300, (8) Verniers
Performance: Maximum Acceleration 1.13G, 180-degree turn time 0.8 seconds, run speed 120 KPH
Electronics: Sensors w/9,300m Range
Description: The "Jeddah" was an early prototype of the EFF standard RGM-89 "Jegan" mobile suit used for a period of time by the elite Londo bell unit. By this point in time, it is a very unrefined suit with a weaker core and imperfect electronics. It also pre-dates an upgrade in the armor which adds more Gundarium alloy. However, much-needed improvements to user ergonomics with the panoramic cockpit, safety restrains and airbags, as well as storage space were finally implemented, as well as a new series of weapons. Curiously, it features several weapon modules that were removed from the final design and is slightly faster than a Jegan.
Fixed Weapons: (2) 60mm Head Vulcan (200 rounds per), (2) Beam saber on shoulder racks (0.38 MW), (2) 3-slot grenade racks
Optional Weapons: N/A
Add. Thrusters: N/A
Equipment: N/A
Other: N/A
Extra Power Use: 0 / 870 kW
Extra Weight: 0 / 11 Metric Tons
Model: RGM-86R GM-III Unavailable
Unit Type: Mass Production Mobile Suit
Manufacture: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces, Karaba
Layout: Single-Seat; 18.6m Tall
Armor: Titanium Alloy / Gundarium Alloy
Stock Weight: 38.6 Metric Tons
Powerplant: Minovsky Type Ultracompact Fusion; 1560 kW Output
Propulsion: Thrusters: (4) 20,300, (8) Verniers
Performance: Maximum Acceleration 1.45G, 180-degree turn time 0.8 seconds, run speed 120 KPH
Electronics: Sensors w/10,900m Range
Description: The GM-III came as a much-needed update to the aging RGM series. The resulting upgrades granted it with the firepower of an artillery suit along with greatly improved speed, armor and power - more than than of the Jegan that would replace it in many roles. Perhaps because of its high cost more than in spite of, the troops love the GM-III for its massive amount of firepower. A typical setup for the suit can incorporate over a dozen antiship missiles, on top of the onboard vulcans and a beam rifle.
Fixed Weapons: (2) 60mm Head Vulcan (200 rounds per), (2) Beam saber on shoulder racks (0.4 MW), (2) Medium Missile Pod (4 missiles per)
Optional Weapons: N/A
Add. Thrusters: N/A
Equipment: N/A
Other: N/A
Extra Power Use: 0 / 800 kW
Extra Weight: 0 / 22.4 Metric Tons
Handheld Weapons
Handheld weapons are the most flexible and easily deployed of weapons. They are very powerful and can be reloaded swiftly in combat. They are reloaded after battles at no cost, assuming they aren't abandoned or destroyed.
[HFW-GR?MR82-90mm Machine Gun] 2 Points
Description: A moderately powerful weapon of bullpup layout, mostly replaced by various beam rifle designs. Using explosive propellants and metal slugs, it is relatively simple to counter a bullet, and most mobile suits will take a lot of ammo to put down. The 90mm is often carried by mobile suits which have artillery or sniper weapons that are clumsy in close range engagements, or by second-line units with few beam weapons in supply.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Ammo: 30-shot Magazine
Weight: 2 Tons
[100mm Machine Gun] 4 Points
Description: Used primary in ground-side warfare during the One-Year War, the 100mm has a longer range than the 90mm and the beam spray gun, making it a decent choice if nothing better is available. It is compact and inexpensive, so it is frequently utilized as a backup weapon.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Ammo: 20-shot Magazine
Weight: 2 Tons
[BOWA?BR-S-85-C2 Beam Rifle ] 8 Points
Description: Standard-issue beam rifles for the EFF from the GM-II onwards. Capable of a 1.9 mW burst, they have ten shots to a single E-Pac. Solid punch paired with a fast projectile speed makes these good all-around weapons.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Ammo: 16-shot E-Pac Removable Battery
Power Drain: 270 kW
Weight: 3 Tons
BR-M-79C-2 Beam Spray Gun II] 3 Points
Description: A bit of an antique as far as beam weapons go, the Spray Gun suffers from a very short range and is reliant on raw power to get the job done. It is capable of severely damaging a modern mobile suit in a pinch, but the Beam Spray Gun finds itself typically being used in a backup role due to its inexpensive and lightweight nature. This version is upgraded to feature an exchangeable energy cap, like the later beam rifles.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Ammo: 16-shot E-Pac Removable Battery
Power Drain: 50 kW
Weight: 2 Tons
[Long-Range Beam Rifle] 10 Points
Description: A large and bulky beam rifle with it's own power supply, these weapons have been the traditional tool of choice for GM Sniper mobile suits. They hypothetically have an unlimited capacity, though in combat situations barrel heating and generator charging makes the practical rate of fire something like one shot per ten seconds. It is hypothetically possible for a standard GM to make use of this weapon, but the lack of companion electronics and software would make accurate fire difficult.
Compatibility: GM Sniper Variants
Power Drain: 150 kW
Weight: 12 Tons
[380mm Hyper Bazooka] 6 Points
Description: An extremely powerful recoiless weapon frequently used by both EFF and Zeon / Remnants forces. Can easily destroy a mobile suit in a single hit, given the slow projectile doesn't miss. With a very slow and difficult reload, these weapons are typically abandoned after they run empty in a combat situation.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Ammo: 6-shot Magazine
Power Drain: 50 kW
Weight: 8 Tons
[NFHI?GMCa-type.09/180mm Cannon ] 4 Points
Description: A large and primitive, but ultimately effective weapon the 180mm cannon gives immense long-range firepower to a single mobile suit. It has a very decent capacity for its caliber and a well-designed optical sight that assists long-range engagement. Commonly used in both space and open ground.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Ammo: 10-shot Magazine
Weight: 10 Tons
[ZUX-197 Jagdgewehr 192mm Shotgun] 2 Points (Disposable)
Description: A rough parallel to the Federation's 180mm cannons, this "shotgun" is a lightweight, almost disposable design packing massive power within its effective range. The shells are actually good out to quite the distance - but the weapon is not particularly accurate. It is not meant to be reloaded in the field, so multiples are frequently carried.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Ammo: 10-shot Magazine
Weight: 2 Tons
[Twin Beam Spear] 4 Points
Description: An unusual close combat weapon, this is essentially a pair of small beam sabers mounted to a large, reinforced polearm.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 100 kW
Weight: 4 Tons
[Beam Bayonet] 4 Points
Description: A small beam weapon that attaches under the barrel of standard machine guns, beam rifles and beam spray guns. Cannot be mounted to bazookas or long-range beam rifles.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 80 kW
Weight: 0.5 Tons
Heat Knife 1 Points
Description: A weapon first used by the Paratrooper-type Zaku I, this weapon is not usually seen on typical mobile suits. Its most frequent use has been by marine mobile suits, which do not carry as much equipment. Due to it's small size, only a hit to the cockpit or reactor is going to do serious damage.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 15 kW
Weight: 0.5 Tons
Heat Hawk 2 Points
Description: A very traditional weapon used by Zeon years ago, this primitive weapon uses heated metals instead of an I-field to destroy enemy mobile suits. It is cheap, brutal and effective.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 30 kW
Weight: 2 Tons
Fixed Weapons
[Grenade Rack] 2 Points
Description: A very traditional weapon, upscaled versions of hand grenades are commonly used by mobile suits when standard weapons fire cannot get the job done. They are extremely powerful at close range and can do serious damage to shields. EFF grenades can be timed or set to detonate on impact. Standard equipment on Jegans, mounted to the hip armor.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Ammo: 3 Hand Grenades
Weight: 2 Tons
[Beam Saber (w/Rack)] 4 Points
Description: A beam saber, the standard close combat weapon for mobile suits, with its own specialized recharge rack. They can be mounted virtually anywhere - on the backpack, waist armor, or a forearm. One common modification is a swivel mount, so the beam saber can swing into the suit's hand, or be deployed as a sort of improvised arm weapon.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 100 kW
Weight: 2 Tons
[Beam Spray Vulcan] 2 Points
Description: A relatively new invention, the beam spray vulcan features a similarly compact profile to a standard ballistic weapon, but its beams allow it to slice through armor significantly faster. However, it has a significant power draw and a short range due to the short barrels and poor focusing.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 120 kW
Weight: 0.5 Tons
[60mm Vulcan] 2 Points
Description: Standard on EFF mobile suits, the low-velocity vulcans cannot damage the main armor of mobile suits, but can compromise sensitive electronics, joints and weapons. They are also useful groundside against light vehicles and infantry. Due to their relatively low power requirement, some mobile suits are festooned with several vulcans. Common locations include the chest, head, shoulders and arms.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 30 kW
Ammo: 150 Round 60mm Feed
Weight: 1 Tons
[75mm Tri-Barrel Machine Gun] 8 Points
Description: A reverse-engineered version of a weapon used on Zeon's Gouf series, this arm-mounted weapon has an external magazine for rapid reloads and a trio of barrels to reduce overheating issues. Low long-range accuracy and a small magazine make it a weapon of opportunity, though the ultra-dense 75mm shells will tear through any modern mobile suit at close range.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 50 kW
Ammo: 30-shot Magazine
Weight: 6 Tons
[90mm Rotary Cannon] 8 Points
Description: Though its caliber would give some the impression this cannon is only slightly more powerful than the 60mm, a much longer shell and armor-piercing ammunition means this weapon can tear through mobile suits at medium range with sustained fire. A scaled-down version of the rotary cannon used on the D-50C "Loto." Generally mounted on a shoulder or arm.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 50 kW
Ammo: 100 Round 80mm Feed
Weight: 8 Tons
[Multilauncher Module] 6 Points
Description: A versatile launcher mounted in the chest armor of some mobile suits. Ammunition can include blinder rockets, smoke / ice screen shells, as well as typical antitank warheads.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 15 kW
Ammo: (8) 90mm Rockets
Weight: 4 Tons
[Missile Pod] 6 Points
Description: A large, armored rack of standard missiles for use against small vessels and mobile suits. Fairly bulky, they are typically mounted on the shoulders or back of a mobile suit. Can be manually jettisoned.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 50 kW
Ammo: (18) 105mm Missile
Weight: 8 Tons
[Compact Missile Pod] 3 Points
Description: A double missile launcher, compact and easily mounted where needed. GM-IIIs are typically festooned with large numbers of these.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 50 kW
Ammo: (2) 105mm Missile
Weight: 1 Tons
[Medium Missile Pod] 8 Points
Description: Essentially up-scaled anti-suit missiles, these have extremely powerful warheads capable of damaging small capital ships, while retaining the speed for mobile suit work. Bulky, so typically mounted to the shoulders. Notably used on variants of the "Stark Jegan." Can be manually jettisonned.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 15 kW
Ammo: (4) 280mm Missile
Weight: 6 Tons
These weapons are useless after being expended, and must be bought again after use. Useful for pilots who do not specialize in a given role but need such a weapon on occasion.
[Six-Tube Missile Launcher] 2 Points (Disposable)
Description: Considering most veteran pilots discarded the bazooka when it ran out of ammunition, the EFF developed a completely disposable unit that was lighter and packed nearly the same punch. They have basic guidance for engaging low-flying vehicles and enemy mobile suits, and can come with smoke, incendiary and net rounds for different missions.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Ammo: 6 280mm Missiles
Weight: 5 Tons
[Sturmfaust] 1 Point (Disposable)
Description: A common weapon of the ex-Zeon forces and the Neo-Zeon faction, the Sturmfaust is essentially an oversized, disposable rocket launcher loaded with an extremely powerful warhead, capable of destroying most mobile suits and penetrating the armor of capital ships.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Weight: 2 Tons
[Cracker Grenade] 1 Point (Disposable)
Description: An older Zeon weapon, this is essentially a cluster bomb thrown like an oversized hand grenade. After a time delay, the cracker grenade ejects dozens of bomblets which can tear through infantry and light vehicles.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Weight: 0.3 Tons
BR-79C Beam Spray Gun] 2 Points (Disposable)
Description: A bit of an antique as far as beam weapons go, the Spray Gun suffers from a very short range and is reliant on raw power to get the job done. It is capable of severely damaging a modern mobile suit in a pinch, but the Beam Spray Gun finds itself typically being used in a backup role due to its inexpensive and lightweight nature. This particular model is even older, and the EFF lacks the specialized equipment to keep these weapons recharged after missions, so they're issued and used in a disposable manner.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Ammo: 20-shot E-Cap
Power Drain: 50 kW
Weight: 2 Tons
[Small Rocket Pod] 2 Points (Disposable)
Description: Essentially a down-sized missile pod carrying a large number of unguided rockets. Though not compact enough to be mounted to a mobile suit's waist armor, shoulder and thigh mounts are common. Very inaccurate at anything longer than close range, but a full barrage will heavily damage, or at least disrupt most mobile suits. Disposable; automatically jettisons from the mobile suit once expended.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 15 kW
Ammo: (20) 70mm Rockets
Weight: 2 Tons
[Small Missile Rack] 2 Points (Disposable)
Description: A skeletal rack that carries three powerful missiles. Forgoing a blast-resistant safety case, this design allows missiles to be mounted nearly anywhere on a mobile suit. Due to the exposed nature of the warheads, the most common tactic to is to fire all of the missiles upon entering a battle. Disposable; automatically jettisons from the mobile suit once expended.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 15 kW
Ammo: (3) 105mm Missile
Weight: 2 Tons
Equipment can be extra armor panels, thrusters or even simple countermeasures to shake off pursuing foes. Thrusters generally have finite amounts of fuel, and armor eventually wears out.
[Smoke Launcher] 2 Points
Description: Standard equipment for groundside fighting, this array fires a dozen smoke canisters to jam thermal imaging, shake weapons lock and hide the mobile suit. In space, they're loaded with a fluid that rapidly freezes to create an opaque field of ice.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 15 kW
Ammo: (12) 70mm Canisters
Weight: 2 Tons
[Decoy] 2 Points
Description: These are ejected during combat to confuse enemy sensors, absorbing and releasing random radar, laser and wireless signals. They are small spheres with rocket thrusters, making them hard to hit, or notice.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 15 kW
Ammo: (6) Decoys
Weight: 2 Tons
[Small Shield] 4 Points
Description: A smaller shield intended to give protection without too much encumbrance during ground combat. It has a sharp tip for melee combat and even digging, while a large hoop on top can brace a 180mm cannon or beam rifle for long-range fire. It has a standard anti-beam coating and is surprisingly tough given its small size.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Weight: 2 Tons
[Medium Shield] 4 Points
Description: Developed for the RX-78-2 Gundam and issued to the RGM-79 series, this shield is designed to stop a variety of explosives and kinetic projectiles. An anti-beam coating is standard, though it wears off after several hits. Several magazines for weapons can be carried within it. Large enough to cover most of the mobile suit during an advance, and standard equipment for GM variants.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Weight: 6 Tons
[Vernier Thruster] 4 Points
Description: A Vernier thruster is not designed to propell a unit to combat speed, but to rapidly change altitude and heading. Designed for maintaining orbit with a spacecraft, mobile suits use Veniers to rapidly alter their headings and rapidly brake.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 100 kW
Weight: 1 Ton
[AMBAC Fins] 8 Points
Description: A large set of fins on the backpack of the mobile suit that allows more precise movement and direction changes without use of rocket propellants. Due to its low fuel requirements, it is a common upgrade for interceptor-type mobile suits.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 150 kW
Weight: 6 Tons
[Backpack Rocket Motor] 4 Points
Description: Simply an additional rocket and fuel tank for the backpack of a mobile suit, enhancing acceleration and top speed while the fuel lasts. Rated for 40,000 kgs of thrust during it's five-minute burn life.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 50 kW
Weight: 6 Ton
[Leg Rocket Motors] 4 Points
Description: Smaller thruster units attached to the legs of a mobile suit. In addition to acceleration in space, these make it possible to "glide" across ground. Each of the two motors produces 8,000 kgs of thrust. This paired set of motors has a two-minute burn time.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Power Drain: 50 kW
Weight: 4 Ton
[Solid Rocket Motors] 2 Points
Description: A small self-contained rocket unit that can mount nearly anywhere on the mobile suit. Unusually, it can only be ignited once. The motor can be cut in an emergency, but it will not start up again. These can be reloaded between missions.
Compatibility: Standard EFF & Zeon attachment points.
Weight: 1 Ton
[Thermonuclear Thruster (Backpack)] 12 Points
Description: Rather than relying on fuel, this thruster incorporates an independent fusion reactor to give constant thrust. However, due to the bulk and complexity of it, it also requires significant energy from the mobile suit's own reactor to keep running smoothly. Needless to say, one should strive to avoid getting them hit by enemy fire. This variant mounts on the backpack. Rated for 30,000 kgs of thrust.
Compatibility: Standard EFF attachment points.
Power Drain: 400 kW
Weight: 15 Tons
[Slat Armor] 6 Points
Description: Panels set a distance out from the mobile suit's armor stops explosive shells and beams before the hull, decreasing the amount of damage they can transfer. Due to the nature of these panels, they are destroyed instantly when shot. A standard set covers the backpack, cockpit, upper limbs and drive units.
Compatibility: Standard EFF attachment points.
Weight: 8 Tons
[Titanium Applique Armor] 8 Points
Description: Lightweight titanium panels that layer over the cockpit, backpack, head sensors and limbs. Treated with a beam-resistant coating, though the lightweight material is not totally effective. It is the lightest armor added to EFF mobile suits and requires no additional power from the reactor. Standard for the GM Cannon II.
Compatibility: Standard EFF attachment points.
Weight: 10 Tons
[Chobham Armor (Eject Capable)] 12 Points
Description: Standard on suits like the Stark Jegan, this bulky, beam-resistant armor can deflect many more hits than a basic GM-III or Jegan hull. Uniquely, it features explosive bolts and miniature thrusters for jettison at a moment's notice, though the resulting weight and power requirements are quite steep. Covers the head, cockpit, backpack, limbs and drive motors.
Compatibility: Standard EFF attachment points.
Power Drain: 200 kW
Weight: 15 Tons
[Chobham Heavy Armor] 12 Points
Description: This armor is heavy enough that eject capability is simply not feasible. Instead, it is designed to offer thorough protection while staying within a feasible weight range. It offers extreme protection from everything short of a battleship cannon, and is very difficult for a beam or heat weapon to hack through. Complete coverage for the head, backpack, cockpit, drives and limbs.
Compatibility: Standard EFF attachment points.
Power Drain: 100 kW
Weight: 18 Tons
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.? Albert Einstein
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